Use these impactful research reports to connect the dots on how destination organizations help your community achieve its goals by leveraging the power of destination promotion.
2024 Report: Destination Promotion: A Catalyst for Community Vitality
Using in-depth examples from ten North American destinations, this new research reveals how investing in destination promotion acts as a catalyst for broader economic development, improved quality of life, and a stronger sense of place. The dividends of destination promotion extend far beyond the benefits accruing to visitor-related industries and their supplier and have proven to positively influence the quality of life and overall well-being of a community. The report finds that a sound destination brand can be leveraged across the community’s economic development spectrum. All of this is a catalyst for attracting talent, supporting general government services, and growing the whole economy of a community.
2014 Report: Destination Promotion: An Engine of Economic Development
The dividends of destination promotion extend far beyond the benefits accruing to visitor-related industries and their suppliers. In addition to attracting visitors, destination marketing drives broader economic growth by sustaining air service, creating familiarity, attracting decision makers, and improving the quality of life in a place.
As a result, cities and states that prioritize destination marketing and coordinate these efforts with economic development initiatives have experienced significant site relocations and new investments as a direct result.
About the Study
This study incorporates a combination of case studies, interviews, literature review, and statistical analysis covering more than 200 cities over the past 23 years. It confirms that destinations with substantial and growing visitor economies tend to outperform their peers, making destination promotion a true engine of economic development.
2023 National Resident Sentiment Studies
Each year, Longwoods International conducts a national study exploring Americans’ and Canadians' perceptions of
tourism, its impacts, and the industry’s performance in destination development, stewardship, and marketing. This year’s results provide both promising news as well as opportunities for improvement and further advocacy. Below find the 2023 industry briefs for both Canada and the United States.
DestinationNEXT Futures Studies
The relationship between destination organizations and their local communities evolved dramatically in many cities and towns globally during the Covid pandemic. Enough time has since passed where destination leaders are beginning to understand what was transitory and what looks to be long-term transformations.
The DestinationNEXT 2023 Futures Study attempts to codify those systemic shifts. It is a strategic roadmap and global survey that helps destination leaders navigate today’s highly fluid visitor economy to optimize their organizations’ relevance and value. The Futures Study is available for download in both English and Japanese below.
Canadian Visitor Based Assessment Study
This report outlines the critical role and importance of Visitor-Based Assessments (VBAs) in continuing to grow the visitor economy in Canada. It has been created to support the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) and Destinations International’s Canadian Destination Leadership Council (CDLC) in advocating for the Canadian destination sector. It builds on a 2018 white paper findings and 2020 Visitor Based Assessment Study through more in-depth feedback from both stakeholders (such as hotels, government, and industry associations) and destination organizations across the country.
The aim of the work was to build a case that supports VBAs and investment in the visitor economy through destination organizations. This work will assist TIAC, CDLC, and destination organizations in an advocacy platform to ensure the continued investment of VBAs on behalf of the overall industry. Additionally, it aims to build a groundwork for better understanding the economic and social impacts VBAs and destination organizations generate in Canada.
The research and analysis is also intended to help strengthen the VBA system across the country through understanding the benefits, risks, and key actions which could be taken by government and industry.
Gaining Edge was contracted to conduct this work, supported by InterVISTAS and Vardo Creative.